Content marketing is one of the most booming marketing arenas in today’s world, there’s no disagreement with that.
There have been too many painstaking times when you must be juggling around to write so-called perfect content but end up writing the same repetitive lines that you have been using for months.
You’re probably shaking your head at this point because it is what it is. Now, this is where we can help you.
Mastering content marketing writing takes time and practice. No magic formula can guarantee creative ideas. No software can automatically turn rough drafts into polished content that keeps audiences hanging on your every word and asking for more. But you can improve…
Here are a few secret exercises you can implement:
Limit first person “I” and “we”
Don’t insert yourself into the content unless it’s relevant. If you’re part of the story, you don’t need to use “I” and “me” a lot. The reader should be able to tell it’s your story through the broader exposition.
Why? Studies show that readers perceive those who use multiple first-person references as less confident and less assured.
Reduce using prepositions
Review your prepositional phrases. Eliminate extra prepositions, where not required.
Why? “A string of multiple prepositions in a single sentence can make the text choppy and potentially confusing for your audience,”
Avoid Qualifiers And Intensifiers
Review your content for qualifiers(generally, rather) and intensifiers (very, too) and delete every unnecessary use.
Why? A qualifier weakens or lessens the impact of a word or phrase.
Avoid using passive voice
It’s difficult to write without using “to be” or a form of passive voice. Try writing one draft without thinking about passive or active voice. Then go through your content and revise to only use active voice.
Why? “Using ‘to be’ can weaken the impact of your writing.
Don’t misuse Quote marks
Quote marks for emphasis are NOT necessary. Don’t misuse them.
Why? As Grammarly explains, the use of quote marks to emphasize a word or phrase was legitimate in the pre-word processor days. Writers couldn’t create italics on their typewriters or in typesetting. But now we do.
These secrets can help you become a faster, better and stronger writer. You can’t go with only good content but you need great content to go till far. Traditional marketing talks at people while content marketing talks with people.
We hope this blog was helpful and you would stay tuned for more word treats!